We are not here to preach about how you spend your time on your trip, however we are committed to giving all our customers some tips on how to be greener whilst they are away!
We don’t want to tell you what to do or how to do things but at least we can give you some pointers on how you could have a positive impact to the local environment and community if you choose to!
Getting there:
- Could you travel by train? Did you know that a 200-mile round trip via train instead of a car* saves the equivalent carbon emissions to boiling over 400 kettles!
In your room:
- Turning off electrical appliances or the air conditioning in your room whilst you are not there
- If you have a key card – try not leaving these in the activation holder in your room but take them with you
- Limit laundry requests – try reusing your towels/linen instead of having them washed daily
- Ask the restaurant or your choice of dining what menu options include seasonal and locally produce food (this will help reduce the carbon footprint produced by transportation)
- Or, perhaps if you don’t normally, try some plant-based menu items
- Minimise food wastage where possible
Out and about:
- Visit local attractions and try using local transport. Walking and cycling are best (zero carbon emissions) but also trams, electric scooters, bikes and even trains produce less carbon emissions than a car
- Have you thought about taking a re-usable water bottle with you to fill up when you are out and about?
- Remember your reusable carrier bags
Coming home:
- If you have waste that is recyclable (e.g. batteries/plastic, etc.) and there are no recycling bins or stations near you – perhaps bring them back to recycle them effectively
*Car: 0.114kg CO2 / pass km. This is derived from the DEFRA CO2 emissions factor for an average petrol car which is 0.180kg CO2 / vehicle km and the average loading for a car: 1.6 people / journey (DfT).
Train: 0.052kg CO2 / pass km. This is derived from the DEFRA CO2 emissions factor