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Labour Standards Policy

hotelshopUK, herein referred to as ‘the Company’, is a privately-owned, award-winning leisure & business travel agent offering a variety of services including contact centre solutions, corporate travel services and UK short breaks.  The Company takes all necessary steps to ensure the promotion of sound, moral and ethical practices throughout the whole of its business and recognises that we have a responsibility to our employees, customers and suppliers to ensure we have a clear Labour Standards policy.

Our ethical policy covers:

  1. Child Labour
  2. Right of collective bargaining
  3. Freedom of Association
  4. Discrimination
  5. Health & Safety
  6. Remuneration
  7. Working Hours
  8. Slave Labour

The Company policy is to comply with International Law, and to this end, the minimum labour standards are:

  1. Child Labour – The Company does not and will not engage in or support the use of child labour.  If the Company engages any young workers (e.g. on work experience), it will ensure that a suitable risk assessment is carried out and that young persons are not exposed to any hazardous conditions, and that we are compliant with all UK laws surrounding hours of work
  2. Right of Collective Bargaining – The Company recognises this as a human right, employees have a collective say over pay issues, Equality and Health & Safety
  3. Freedom of Association – This is respected and the Company will comply with UK and the Republic of Ireland labour relations legislation (as appropriate) in this regard
  4. Discrimination – The Company shall not engage in or support any discriminating practices in recruitment, remuneration, promotion, training, termination or retirement based on any protected characteristic that could give rise to discrimination.  The Company has in place an Equal Opportunities Policy which is provided to all new employees at induction
  5. Health & Safety – The Company provides a safe and healthy working environment, in line with our Occupational Health & Safety Policy and shall take effective steps to prevent potential accidents and injuries to employee’s health by minimising, so far as is reasonably practicable and in cooperation with its employees, workers and other members of staff, the causes of hazards inherent in the workplace.  The Company will ensure employees work in premises which are safe and provide access to clean sanitary facilities and drinking water
  6. Remuneration – The Company shall comply with National Laws and regulations with regard to wages and benefits.  All work related activities are carried out on the basis of a recognised employment relationship established according to National Law and practice.  All employees are remunerated in a way which is in excess of the National Minimum Wage in the UK
  7. Working Hours – The Company shall comply with the applicable laws on working hours and holiday entitlements.  The Company’s normal working hours do not exceed 48 hours per week, and overtime hours do not exceed 12 hours per week, with the relevant periods of rest similarly observed.  The Company ensures that all employees have the legal right to be employed in the UK
  8. Slave Labour – the Company shall not engage in or support the use of forced or compulsory labour, or bonded or involuntary prison labour.  Employees are free to leave after providing reasonable notice in line with their individual contracts of employment
  9. The Company also commits to:
    • Compliance with relevant legal and other requirements to which the Company subscribes;
    • Ensuring that all our key contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers are aware of this policy; and
    • Making available sufficient resources for the implementation of this policy

    The Company commits to periodically reviewing this policy in order to continually improve standards within the workplace.  The Company shall take into consideration: changes in legislation, legal advice as necessary and any other requirements to which the Company subscribes, to ensure the adequacy, suitability and continuing effectiveness of this policy.